Click here for the latest (2/10/25) newsletter.    DON’T FORGET THAT WE HAVE “HAPPY FEET” ON THURSDAY, 2/13/25, AT WILLIAM FERRON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.  ALSO, WE ARE DARK NEXT WEEK FOR THE PRESIDENTS DAY HOLIDAY. Our next regular meeting will be Monday, February 24, 2025, and will be our annual Past President’s Day Luncheon featuring former Governor Bob List, talking about his experiences rooting out organized crime in Nevada.

Community Service

“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” ― Mother Teresa

The following are ongoing community service events that we have programmed annually. However, the Club is always open to identifying new service opportunities:

Fall/Spring Shopping – The LVSWR believes that children should focus on their education and not have to worry about clothes or school supplies. With this belief, the LVSWR is committed to working with the Clark County School District annually to identify a local “At Risk” school and class to sponsor a Back to School Shopping event. Club members interact with students, take them to the neighborhood mall and provide them with new clothing and shoes for the upcoming school year.

Happy Feet – In addition, to our annual Back to School Shopping event, several times out of the year, the Club provides shoes and socks for students who attend “At Risk” schools. Club members visit local schools with new shoes and socks and interact with students in various classes giving them brand new shoes and socks.

Feed the Homeless – The LVSWR doesn’t just provide opportunities for students; we also pride ourselves in giving back to those in need. Our Club has partnered with Christ Church Episcopal on Maryland Parkway to sponsor a night in which we provide food, clothing and hygiene kits to persons in need several times throughout the year.

Opportunity Village’s Magical Forest – The Club works very closely with Opportunity Village and annually we sponsor “At Risk” elementary students to visit Opportunity Village’s Magical School Bus in November/December. This is a great opportunity for kids to be kids and experience the joys that the holiday brings.