Join Our Club
Any member of the club may propose someone for membership he or she feels would be a good fit. The first step to proposing a member is to invite the guest to lunch and introduce him/her to the members of the club. Notify Membership Committee Chair of recommendation. Ensure the prospective member attends 3 lunches or events prior to being considered for membership. Don’t inform a prospective member they are being proposed for membership until a proposal has been submitted to the Board.
If, after visiting the club at least 3 times, the prospective member demonstrates interest in the club, the following actions should be taken prior to proposing them as a member:
A potential sponsor or proposer for prospect should be indentified
The prospective member should submit a resume or bio to the club
The sponsor/proposer and at least one other club member should have an informational meeting or lunch with the prospect to familiarize them with LVSWR and RI, explain the expectations and responsibilities of our members and to ensure the prospect is
interested in being proposed for membership
Provide and go over with prospective member the club requirements
Once it becomes clear that the prospective member meets the qualifications for membership, is interested in membership and that mutual rapport is established with the members, they may be proposed for membership as follows:
Club members should be notified of prospective member and provided with a bio, via email
The sponsor should complete part A of the Membership Proposal Form and prospective member should be formally proposed at the next board Meeting
If the member is approved by the board and no objectives are raised by members, the membership chair will take the following actions:
Coordinate with member in charge of induction for date and details of induction ceremony
Collect $250 from member before their induction
Provide member with Membership handbook
Notify Club Secretary to complete all processing and notifications required for new members
There are lots of great potential members that only need to be invited.